Thursday, November 30, 2017

End of the First Week

Exciting! The first Friday ever of us all together learning about Health is here! This has never ever before in all of history ever happened! And, this day will never happen again! Enjoy it while it is here!

Please start off the day by examining the picture below and describing it in a new blog post titled “The Network”. First, copy my picture from my blog, and paste it into your post. Then, use your own words to describe it. Tell what is happening in the picture, and what does it mean? Does it remind you of anything? What emotions can you List that could be represented in this picture? 

Just like yesterday, please be sure to listen to your own music again, and put in your post any songs you are listening to as you write the post. I will give you 10 minutes to work on this.

After the 10 minutes are up, we will continue to watch the video that we began yesterday. Since it contains important information that you will need to know, I will ask you to put away your phones and headphones all the way in your backpacks, and completely close your chrome books. I will also have you take out a pen or a pencil and a blank sheet of paper on which to write, draw, comment, and question the information on the video as we watch it.

 Introduction video to the Brain.
After we finish watching the video, you will each take your single blank sheet of paper and your writing utensil and a book, and you will go outside with those three things only, and find a place to sit outside for 15 minutes in order to make your best drawing of the nervous system in as much detail as possible. 

You must sit away from everybody else, I want you to be focused on your drawing and your drawing only for the 15 minutes. If you do finish before the 15 minutes are up, take a look around you and observe your environment, but please don’t distract anybody else from doing their own work.

When the 15 minutes is up, you will be coming back to class, and uploading a photo of your drawing to your blog on a new post titled “Drawing The Nervous System” along with a brief description of what it felt like to go through the process of drawing it. We are doing this in order to document your learning thus far in the course.

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