Thursday, November 30, 2017

End of the First Week

Exciting! The first Friday ever of us all together learning about Health is here! This has never ever before in all of history ever happened! And, this day will never happen again! Enjoy it while it is here!

Please start off the day by examining the picture below and describing it in a new blog post titled “The Network”. First, copy my picture from my blog, and paste it into your post. Then, use your own words to describe it. Tell what is happening in the picture, and what does it mean? Does it remind you of anything? What emotions can you List that could be represented in this picture? 

Just like yesterday, please be sure to listen to your own music again, and put in your post any songs you are listening to as you write the post. I will give you 10 minutes to work on this.

After the 10 minutes are up, we will continue to watch the video that we began yesterday. Since it contains important information that you will need to know, I will ask you to put away your phones and headphones all the way in your backpacks, and completely close your chrome books. I will also have you take out a pen or a pencil and a blank sheet of paper on which to write, draw, comment, and question the information on the video as we watch it.

 Introduction video to the Brain.
After we finish watching the video, you will each take your single blank sheet of paper and your writing utensil and a book, and you will go outside with those three things only, and find a place to sit outside for 15 minutes in order to make your best drawing of the nervous system in as much detail as possible. 

You must sit away from everybody else, I want you to be focused on your drawing and your drawing only for the 15 minutes. If you do finish before the 15 minutes are up, take a look around you and observe your environment, but please don’t distract anybody else from doing their own work.

When the 15 minutes is up, you will be coming back to class, and uploading a photo of your drawing to your blog on a new post titled “Drawing The Nervous System” along with a brief description of what it felt like to go through the process of drawing it. We are doing this in order to document your learning thus far in the course.

Health with Mr. Grimm again

Today let's start off with a blog post titled "The Brain". In the post, please begin by explaining what these three words mean (in your own words). Use whatever examples you can think of to elaborate on your definition or to further explain your thinking. The words are:


Please work quietly and let your neighbors concentrate on their own work. I encourage you to listen to your own music with headphones, and be sure to tell in your post which songs and artists you listen to during the time you are writing your blog post.

I will give you 15 minutes to do this, and after 15 minutes, I'd like us all to put the music away, and we will watch a quick video about leaving comments on blogs. Then I will ask 3 volunteers to take turns putting their blog post up on the big screen and reading it the way they intended it to be read. (2 minute maximum time, it is just a quick presentation). During the presentations, I ask that you pay close attention and think a lot about what they are saying, because at the end, I will have you go to ONE of the sites and leave a comment.

After that, we will watch a video about the Brain, and then review what we have done so far in class, including yesterday's work with Mr. Halverson. The amount of time we have left will determine what we do after that.

Have fun today!

PS- we got all the way through to the Brain Video, and made it to 4:33.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Drawing to Learn: Nervous System

Here is a video about the brain. I wonder if it is a good one?

Create Your Blog

Right now you're probably using the Internet to connect on platforms like FaceBook, Instagram or Snapchat. If you've used the Internet for school, you're probably operating in a "walled garden" like OneDrive on the school-issued tablets.  The problem with social media is that most of you haven't yet learned digital branding or security.  The problem with walled gardens is that you don't own your work, and no one outside the garden-- like employers, college admissions officers, and scholarship judges-- can see your work.

If you're not telling your own story online, you can bet that someone else is.  It's time to learn how to present yourself in the way you want to be seen, so that your work creates value and opportunities for you.  In the old days, you'd write an essay that one person would see, mark up, and return to you privately.  Now you can write online and get feedback that will actually help you, while your progress and your ideas impress everyone who sees it.

In this course you will create an online presence.   

See the Member Blogs page tab just below the title image?  That is where we will maintain a directory of everyone's blog.  If you're already familiar with social media and blogging, and you feeling comfortable diving in, go ahead and Create it! Use themes, colors, pictures, etc. that you think will most effectively help you tell your learning story.  If you're new to this, or you need help, or if any of this makes you nervous, let's talk.  We can do this in class during the first week of school, or if you don't want to live in suspense you can email me anytime at

Goal setting with a greater purpose

Figuring out who you are is a long journey, if nobody has welcomed you to the crowd, let me be the first. Welcome!

For a little bit of motivation, check out this video about motivation.

Remember also as you begin this journey, you are probably going to want to know how to buy enough food and clothes and maybe some shelter, so I'd like to introduce you to what people call a budget.

There is some background information that you need to know before you can start using a budget. Here's a good start:

Using the above information, you get to answer the following questions for yourself (sort of- I will guide you through it)

  1. What would be the most cost effective things to invest in?
  2. How could I make the most money?
  3. How can I maintain a good amount of money without losing that much?
  4. How high is my budget?
  5. Can I invest my money to make more?
  6. Am I still living with my parents?
  7. Where am I living?Or is the place determined by me?
  8. Is the budget annual, monthly, etc?
  9. What am I spending the most on?
  10. How hard would I have to work to reach my goals on this?
  11. How much would this all cost?
  12. What kind of job would I need to pay all these bills?
  13. What’s the point of all this?
  14. How does it work?
  15. Does it work for the future?
  16. Why do we grind so hard to pay for everything?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Week 1 T2

Welcome back! I hope you had a great break!

Period 1-

  • Study Skills Sheets
  • Name Game
  • Grid of classes
  • Calendar/Planner
  • Goals for Term 2

Period 2-

  • Course Expectations
  • Activity:
  • Fishing
  • Health- Section 1 Health and Teens p. 6-10 Section 1 Review p. 10, 1-10
  • Blogger

Period 3-

Period 5-

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Teacher Work Day

Student shadow talking points:

Basically, I think we ought to explore Social-Emotional Learning- SEL.

Also “Reality Pedegogy”
“Reality Pedegogy”

In regards to technology/curriculum/instruction

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Week 11 Happenings

Today we watched Tai Lopez’s presentation in Period 1. There were mixed reviews. I also found a guy on the internet who claims that he knows how Tai Lopez actually makes his money.
Tai Lopez did claim that to start, people need 3 things:
  • Knowledge
  • Strategy
  • Execution
Thursday we looked into Tai Lopez a little bit more, but mostly talked about my
Thursday IG Post.

On Thursday, in the morning before school, I heard this podcast, which gave an interesting insight to “strategy”.
Listen to it here 

Wednesday in period 2 we watched 12 minutes of Monster Kody's interview. Everyone seemed very interested. We watched the end of it on Thursday, but there was a lot less interest. Tupac Shakur was brought up, so we looked into a little of his life as well. One of his main messages was Trust No Body. Interestingly, one student who had never heard Tupac's music shared with us a song he liked- Panic at the Disco's "I Write Sins not Tragedies". We listened to that song, then a Tupac song. It turns out both songs had to do with human emotions/family life.

Wednesday in period 3 someone told me about Rick and Morty. By Thursday, I had watched the first episode, what it seems to me is that Rick is released from prison, and comes to live with his family believing a lot of ideas that only exist in his head. Because the others in his family care for him, they subject themselves to his craziness and bear the brunt of the consequences of Rick's actions. He is smart, but delusional. It reminds me of the movie "A Beautiful Mind".