Sunday, February 25, 2018

Health Final Study Guide

1- Leading a Healthy Life
  1. Identify which of the following is not a controllable risk factor
  1. Exercise B) diet C) age D) weight

  1. State the type of disease that causes the most deaths in the United States today
  2. List three of your behaviors that you can change to improve your health
  3. State the six risk behaviors that lead to health problems in teens
  4. List three examples of uncontrollable risk factors

Chapter 2 - Skills for a Healthy Life
  1.  Define the term “health
  2. Describe each of the six components of health
  3. Define the term wellness
  4. Identify the health component that involves working on the quality of your relationships with others
  1. Mental health B) social health     C) emotional health D) environmental health
  1. Describe how your attitude can help you take charge of your health

Chapter 3 - Self Esteem and Mental Health
  1.  Self Esteem Development
  2. Communication Styles
  3. Mental disorders examples
  4. Amy's "Perspectives"

Chapter 7 - Nutrition for Life
  1. Nutrient types
  2. Give an example of a healthy meal.
  3. My Plate and Graph Data

Chapter 9 - Understanding Drugs and Medicines

  1. Drugs and the Body- How drugs enter the body
  2. Drugs as medicine- OTC and Prescription Medicines
  3. Drugs and the Brain- Messages and Moods

Chapter 10 - Alcohol
  1. Name 5 effects of drinking alcohol long term or short term or both.
  2. What are 3 of the skills needed to drive that are impaired by alcohol?
  3. What does BAC mean? And what is binge drinking?
  4. What are the short term effects of alcohol
  5. What does alcohol abuse mean?

Chapter 12 - Illegal Drugs
  1. What are 3 things all illegal drugs have in common?
  2. What is the most dangerous drug?
  3. What are some of the things that can happen to the baby if the mother was addicted to drugs?
  4. What are the four different types of drugs that teens abuse? What are inhalants?
Sexual Health
1. Typical development of the human body
2. Gender Spectrum
3. Life Plans and goals
4. Healthy Relationships and Intimacy
5. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
6. Protection and Communication

Circulatory System
Digestive System
Nervous System
Male Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System

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