Monday, August 19, 2019

New School Year 2019-2020

According to the Myers Briggs Personality Test, I'm an Introvert. I’m an INFP to be more exact, but more on that later.

Yesterday I wrote this:
I am nervous. I have a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. The students come back tomorrow, and I have so many things I want to share with them, so many ideas and dreams I want to see come true. It can’t happen all at once, so I have to have patience. It’s a balance of putting my own personal desires and wants on hold, planning for the future, and being present in the current moment so I can connect with the people in front of me.

But why? Why should I try to connect with “my” students? What does it even mean to “connect” with a person? Andrea Blanco knew what it meant. I'll discuss her more on Tuesday.

What is this group of people even doing here at this school? Seriously- why does this school even exist at this time? What are we school people trying to even do here?

That brings me to our Mission Statement. We will start here. A mission statement is like a general map, it tells us where to go. Here is the San Luis Obispo High School Mission Statement.

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