Thursday, April 16, 2020

Aaaaand, we're back.

My last post was on becoming a doctor. That's a long journey that requires a lot of really tough decisions. Some people are ready to start on that journey, others may choose a different path. Either way, decisions will need to be made. Today I'll "lecture" on decisions.

I hope you had a great Spring Break, I actually didn't journal publicly during that time, those last 2 weeks of Distance Learning were extremely exhausting and I needed to get away from the computer.
Now that it's time to get back to Distance Learning though, journaling will be a consistent action for this class.

Journal Topic: Were you able to unwind/reset/relax during Spring Break? If you were, what did you do to help yourself de-stress during the last week? If you weren't, what got in your way?

Decision Making Assignment:

1 comment:

  1. Two things:
    1. Drill a couple holes in the bottom of the plater. Yes, water does leak, but if you don't then the water just sits there and the plant could drown, which is no fun.
    2. Is your cat named after O'Malley the Alley Cat from The Arisocats?
