Thursday, December 14, 2017

Communication Styles

Yesterday we started the skits based on Positive Self Talk, which is a good way to help boost your self esteem. It's not always easy to do on your own however, and to get good at it takes practice. To get practice, you have to have a lot of challenges. To get really good at positive self talk, you need good coaches (the people around you) and many fails to learn from.

Today you will get more challenges in which you can set yourself up for failure. I hope you fail today. It can be a great learning experience. If you see someone fail today, be there for them and encourage them.

Here is today's agenda:
1. Review and Update your blog post about your goals from yesterday. Make any changes you can think of. (5 minutes)
2. Read pages 55 and 56, get out a sheet of paper, and make a grid over the whole thing with 4 columns and 3 rows.
3. Create your own brainstorm of Table 1 on page 56, using your own responses.
4. Finish skits
5. Give your feedback to each group (each group read your feedback)
6. New blog post: "Positive Self Talk Skits": "Go Fishing" on your own for issues that came up during the creation and execution of the Skit you just did.
7. New groups for the next round of skits
8. In your new groups, the first task is to draw the nervous system on a white board as a group. This is your time to practice and clarify what you don't know...
9. The next task is to create a new skit showing a situation, passive, aggressive, and assertive communication styles based on your brainstorms.

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