Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wacky Wednesday

It felt kind of wacky today, the weather is warm the smoke has cleared away from our area, I don’t know, it just seemed like a good title.

So as I’m sitting here trying to figure out what I want you guys to do today, I guess I should figure out what my goal for you is. Bottom line: I want you to think. So to do that, I ask that you help make each other think. In order to think the way that I’m talking about, you need to get really good at asking questions. You need to be able to see patterns. You need to be able to “connect the dots”. I want you to be able to challenge other peoples ideas, but be kind about it.

I want you to develop self-awareness, and empathy. I want you to be able to set goals for yourself, and be able to measure your progress towards those goals. Before we begin the skits today, start the class off by telling me what some of your goals are. Make a blog post called my goals. Take 10 minutes and think about everything in your life and tell what you want.

Song: Migraine (here are the lyrics)

Now, keeping that in mind, make your skits today worthwhile. You have an opportunity to develop some serious personal skills by showing your best self during your skit. Ask some good questions of yourself. Give the other people in the room the gift of seeing who you truly are. It takes a lot of courage. Be courageous.

After the skits:
Read the poem Richard Cory from Dr. Preston‘s website. When you’re done with it, write a reaction to it in a new blog post you choose the title. See if you can relate the poem to some aspect of health given what you know thus far, and write at least three questions that you have about the poem.
After that, please use the rest of the time in class to practice your nervous system drawing, catch up on any blog posts you’re behind with, and or work on any textbook assignments for this class that you are behind on. 

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